Category Archives: Life

wine float

There are few things in life that can beat a relaxing time on the water with Courtney, a drink in hand, surrounded by great friends. So when the opportunity to go on a wine float in the Cascades presented itself, we jumped on it without hesitation!

There are no words…really.

The website was pretty vague as far as explaining what we were getting into, but there was alcohol involved so it had to be great – and it was.

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taste the rainbow

I am all for trying new and exciting things, especially if it’s for a good cause. However, when Courtney asked if I’d do the Seattle Color Run with her I had to say no.

early morning

Courtney loved the swag!

I said no for one reason, but not because I don’t like to run. It wasn’t because I couldn’t complete the 5k. It wasn’t because I don’t like the charity (I love em!). It wasn’t because it was the morning after wine club and I only had four hours of sleep either…

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wine club

What is an easy way to meet a variety of people in a new city? Alcohol…duh silly! When Courtney and I started our lives here in Seattle, we wanted to feel at home. Starting a wine club, inspired by the one we belonged to in Minneapolis, helped with the transition.


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shared experiences

I am a firm believer that shared experiences in life bond people together. Shucks, just being from Minnesota has brought Courtney and I closer to others here in Seattle who are originally from there. It’s been a great talking point that we can all relate with. Then there are embarrassing topics that probably shouldn’t be shared with others – like a classic schart story

The menu: 9lbs. Pork loin, bunch of ribs, skittles, twizzlers, and salad.

I spent a day at a cabin with my childhood friends over Easter weekend. We went four wheeling, shot some guns, ate a large feast, and played several games of “bags.”

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the ‘how-to guide’ for making kitty-cat hair dolls!

Arts and crafts can be a tantalizing experience for all ages. It takes a creative mind to come up with fun, new activities for those involved to enjoy. After all, making sock puppets, drawing hand turkeys, and doing water paintings can get old fairly quickly. This is why I have decided to introduce you to the art of making cat hair dolls! So get ready, sit back, relax, and be prepared to take some notes – you are about to receive the how-to guide of a lifetime!

Step 1: Take out a brush & comb.

It is best if you use a brush specifically designed for pets.

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getting sexy

Before moving to Seattle, I made a promise to Courtney that I would “get sexy” if I could be a stay-at-home cat dad.

My definition of getting sexy: Tone up my arms and chest, and get a six pack.

Now this promise seemed like a reasonable goal at the time, as I was 160 lbs. with little fat to shed from my body. Little did I know, Seattle has an endless amount of great eats – a heaven of sorts for foodies like Courtney and I. This has been disastrous for my waistline and my goal of “getting sexy.”

My former job in Minnesota kept me extremely active, which allowed me to eat whatever and whenever I wanted. SERIOUSLY. At one point, I was training for a cream cheese wanton eating contest. My usual dinner looked something like this:

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life goals

Today Courtney gave me a list of future mouths she would like us to feed…

#1 Dog

I wouldn’t mind having a cool dog to hang out with while running errands…

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Does This Bike Make My Butt Look Fast?

Cycling can be a fun, Eco-friendly way to get to your destination, but it comes with the responsibility of keeping yourself and others safe while traveling.

Courtney's Urban Cruiser

I have recently witnessed cyclists riding on sidewalks, running red lights, and boldly cutting off motorized vehicles. This type of behavior is not only endangering other civilians, but also gives cyclists a bad rep – it’s time we learn, and abide by the rules of the road…

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Short Day Trip

My friend Jon is in town this week, so I thought it would be nice to go on a romantic day trip to Bainbridge Island…

As the ferry was about to dock, all of the bikers lined up in preparation for an epic race…

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Cat Whiz

This past October my cat took a whiz in the back seat of my car on our way to Seattle. Getting rid of the scent has been an ongoing process of trial and error – nothing seems to work. The smell makes me gage every time I get into the car, so you can imagine my excitement when I stumbled across a product that guaranteed successful removal of the odor…

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